
Ashford Insurance

Don’t Pay Medicare Late-Enrollment Penalties for Life

Picture of Sarah Ashford

Sarah Ashford

Sarah Ashford is an agent of Ashford Insurance, an independent health insurance agency specializing in Texas Medicare insurance.

When Americans reach 65, they become eligible for Medicare health insurance. However, many delay signing up for various reasons. This delay is a big deal because missing deadlines can result in late-enrollment penalties, especially for Medicare Part B (doctor visits) and Part D (prescription drugs). People who get these penalties must pay them along with their monthly premiums, often for life.

Don’t Pay Medicare Late-Enrollment Penalties for Life

Understanding Medicare Late Enrollment: Avoiding Penalties and Policy Solutions

When Americans reach 65, they become eligible for Medicare health insurance. However, many delay signing up for various reasons. This delay is a big deal because missing deadlines can result in late enrollment penalties, especially for Medicare Part B (doctor visits) and Part D (prescription drugs). People who get these penalties must pay them along with their monthly premiums, often for life.

Why Penalties Exist:

Penalties aim to encourage prompt enrollment and discourage waiting until health issues arise. This helps individuals by ensuring they have insurance and also spreads costs across many people, keeping prices low. Yet, some end up with penalties because they don’t know about them or how to avoid them.

Spotlight on Penalties:

This report explains Medicare’s rules on enrollment, when penalties apply (and when they don’t), how many people are affected, and who is most likely to get penalties. In 2021, 779,400 individuals—about 1.3% of Part B enrollees—paid a Part B penalty, increasing their monthly payment by 27%. Part D penalties affected over 2.5 million people in 2022 (about 5% of Part D enrollees), while fewer faced Part A penalties since most get premium-free Part A regardless of when they sign up.

Policy Options to Ease Burdens:

Late-enrollment penalties burden some Medicare beneficiaries financially for life, often when they can least afford it. Though meant to encourage timely enrollment, many pay penalties because they’re unaware of them. Policymakers can adopt measures to reduce the number of people facing penalties and lessen their lifelong impact, while still promoting timely enrollment. For more details, check the Full Report.

Don’t miss a costly deadline, call Ashford Insurance today! 817-952-3153.

Photo by Kindel Media

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Picture of Sarah Ashford

Sarah Ashford

Sarah Ashford has been helping Medicare eligibles in Texas with their Medicare Insurance since 2018.