
Ashford Insurance

Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance Made Easy

Disability Insurance

In the realm of financial planning, disability insurance stands as a vital safeguard against the unforeseen challenges that can arise due to a disabling injury or illness. Often referred to as DI or disability income insurance, this form of coverage provides essential protection for individuals whose ability to earn income may be compromised by a disability.

Understanding Disability Insurance

Disability insurance serves to protect the beneficiary’s earned income if a disability renders them unable to perform the essential functions of their work. This can include physical impairments, injuries, illnesses, or psychological disorders that hinder an individual’s ability to maintain employment. Disability insurance encompasses various forms of coverage, including paid sick leave, short-term disability benefits (STD), and long-term disability benefits (LTD), offering financial support during periods of incapacity.

The Need for Disability Insurance

Statistics underscore the importance of disability insurance in safeguarding individuals and their families against financial hardship. In the United States alone, a disabling accident occurs approximately once every second, highlighting the prevalence of such occurrences. Moreover, nearly 18.5% of Americans currently live with a disability, and one in four individuals in the US workforce will experience a disabling injury before reaching retirement age. In light of these sobering statistics, disability insurance emerges as a critical tool for protecting against the economic consequences of unexpected disability.

Exploring Types of Disability Insurance

Individual Disability Insurance: Individuals who do not receive disability benefits from their employers or who are self-employed can purchase individual disability insurance policies. These policies offer varying levels of coverage and benefits, with premiums determined by factors such as occupation, state regulations, and the scope of coverage provided.

High-Limit Disability Insurance: High-limit disability insurance supplements standard coverage to ensure that disability benefits remain at 65% of the insured individual’s income, regardless of income level. This type of coverage offers additional monthly benefits, ranging from $2,000 to $100,000, providing a crucial safety net for high-income earners.

Key-Person Disability Insurance: Key-person disability insurance protects businesses from financial repercussions resulting from the disability of a key employee. Benefits can be used to cover temporary staffing costs or expenses associated with hiring and training a replacement, mitigating the impact of the disabled employee’s absence on the company’s operations.

Business Overhead Expense Disability Insurance: Business overhead expense (BOE) disability insurance reimburses businesses for essential overhead expenses in the event that the owner experiences a disability. Eligible expenses may include rent or mortgage payments, utilities, employee salaries, and other operational costs, ensuring that the business can continue to function smoothly during the owner’s absence.

Navigating Disability Insurance Options

Choosing the right disability insurance coverage requires careful consideration of individual needs, financial circumstances, and risk tolerance. Consulting with insurance professionals can provide valuable guidance in selecting the appropriate coverage to mitigate the financial risks associated with disability.

Get in Touch to Learn More

If you’re interested in learning more about disability insurance and finding the right coverage for you or your business, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to provide expert guidance and support, helping you navigate the complexities of disability insurance and secure a comprehensive safety net for the future.