Ashford Insurance is an Independent Marketing Organization working with United HealthCare Medicare Solutions.
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Grayson County Medicare Plans
Ashford Insurance
Medicare Insurance Made Easy
Grayson County Medicare Plans
Parts A and B, otherwise known as Original Medicare, offers easy enrollment and eligibility, as well as low monthly and yearly payments for continued coverage.
To qualify for one or both of these plans, you must meet at least one of the following requirements:
- Be 65 Years Old or Older
- Have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), Lou Gehrig’s Disease, or ALS
- Have Received Social Security Disability Benefits for at Least 24 Months
Covering the costs of Medicare includes 3 basic methods of payment: premiums, deductibles, and copayments/coinsurance. The same goes for all of the additional coverage options as well. These payments work like this:
- Premium: A monthly payment you make to the plan based on your needs, health, and amount of coverage.
- Deductible: A yearly fee you must meet to maintain your coverage (not included in your premium payment).
- Copayment/Coinsurance: Each time you use benefits from your plan, you will likely have to pay an out-of-pocket fee. This will either be a flat cost known as a copayment or a percentage of the total cost known as coinsurance.
You likely will not, however, have to pay premiums for Medicare Part A. If you have worked at least 10 years while paying Social Security taxes, you’re eligible for premium-free Part A.
Parts A and B cover basic costs such as hospitalization and various medical fees. Part A coverage is simple and includes:
- Hospital Inpatient Care
- Nursing Facility Care
- Nursing Home Care
- Hospice Care
- Home Health Services
Part B coverage is a bit more vague. Its benefits include (but are not limited to):
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Limited Chiropractic Services
- Ambulance Services
- Diabetes Supplies
- Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
- Kidney Dialysis Services and Supplies
- Outpatient Mental Healthcare
- Physical Therapy