
Ashford Insurance

Grapevine Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage Made Easy

Grapevine Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) are private health plans that provide all or most of your Medicare Part A and Part B benefits. They may also include Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. Medicare Advantage Plans are an alternative to Original Medicare.

Who needs a Medicare Advantage Plan?

There are many people who may benefit from a Medicare Advantage Plan. Some of the people who may need a Medicare Advantage Plan include:

  • People who want a more comprehensive plan than Original Medicare
  • People who want a plan with lower out-of-pocket costs
  • People who want a plan that includes prescription drug coverage
  • People who want a plan that offers additional benefits, such as dental or vision coverage
  • People who want a plan that is easy to manage

If you are considering a Medicare Advantage Plan, it is important to compare plans and choose one that fits your needs and budget. You can use the Ashford Insurance website to learn more.

Differences between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement

Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement are two distinct types of Medicare coverage. Medicare Advantage is a private health plan that provides all or most of your Medicare Part A and Part B benefits. It may also include Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. Medicare Supplement, also known as Medigap, is a private insurance policy that helps pay for some of the out-of-pocket costs of Original Medicare, such as deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement:

FeatureMedicare AdvantageMedicare Supplement
Type of CoveragePrivate health planPrivate insurance policy
What it coversAll or most of your Medicare Part A and Part B benefits, plus some additional benefits, such as prescription drug coverageSome of the out-of-pocket costs of Original Medicare, such as deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance
How you enrollDuring the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), the Medicare Open Enrollment Period (MOEP), or a Special Enrollment Period (SEP)During the AEP, the MOEP, or a SEP
How much it costsVaries depending on the plan you chooseVaries depending on the plan you choose
Where you get itFrom an insurance company that has been approved by MedicareFrom an insurance company that has been approved by Medicare

Which type of coverage is right for you?

The best way to decide which type of coverage is right for you is to talk to your doctor and a Medicare insurance agent. They can help you understand your needs and choose the best plan for you.

Why use an Ashford Insurance Agent

Here are some reasons why you should consider using an Ashford insurance agent:

  • They are experts in Medicare. Ashford insurance agents are experts in Medicare and can help you understand your options and choose the best plan for your needs.
  • They are free to you. You do not have to pay any fees to use an Ashford insurance agent. The insurance companies pay them a commission.
  • They can help you save money. Ashford insurance agents can help you find plans that fit your budget and save you money on your healthcare costs.
  • They can help you with the paperwork. Ashford insurance agents can help you with the paperwork and enrollment process, so you can focus on your health.
  • They are there for you after you enroll. Ashford insurance agents are there for you after you enroll to answer any questions you have and help you with any problems you may encounter.

If you are considering Medicare, I encourage you to contact an Ashford insurance agent today. They can help you understand your options and choose the best plan for your needs.